GRÁVALOSDIMONTE, Arquitectura Zaragoza



gravalosdimonte published in the book #erasmuseffect 50 #italianarchitectsabroad @Museo MAXXI

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Publication in the book: #erasmuseffect: 50 #italianarchitectsabroad curated by Pippo Ciorra at @Museo MAXXI.

MAXXI #erasmuseffect book gravalosdimonte architectsThe exhibition Erasmus Effect investigates the progressive acceleration that the phenomenon of “migrant” Italian architecture has undergone in recent decades. From the work of the established international companies to the projects and built works of the young Italian studios, shedding light on both the “widespread quality” of their work and the dense network of collaborations and trans-national ateliers born in the wake of the “Erasmus generation”. And lastly, the “star” migrants, not just architects, but voices, faces and stories capable of recounting a very extensive phenomenon and to lend energy and substance to the commitment of those striving to ensure that this precious Italian talent may return home. Curated by Pippo Ciorra.

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