GRÁVALOSDIMONTE, Arquitectura Zaragoza



gravalosdimonte invited professors at Mapping Making and social space Barriera Workshop_ Galleria Albertina + Politecnico Torino

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estonoesunsolar lecturer politecnico torino

Gravlosdimonte are invited professors and tutors at MAPPING AND MAKING SOCIAL SPACE BARRIERA workshop, headed by the Academy of Fine Arts in Turin, co-funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo, sponsored by the City of Turin. Together with the support of organizations and local associations (PLUG, KAIROS, Urban 3 Bariera, Politecnico di Torino), it promotes the ability of local communities to define their active demand of use of public space through placemaking and social mapping, in the neighborhood of Barriera di Milano (Turin).

Making promotes the ability of local communities to define active demand of use of public space through placemaking. Collaborative design, co-design, self-construction and self-management of open (both public and marginal) spaces are the tools applied to turn public areas into places to use and share.
The focus is on the construction of social communities, giving support to processes of social transformation stimulated by the economic crisis with the possibilities given by creative economy, inventive and new mechanisms of solidarity.
Making involves different strategies such as: urban interventions, public art, donation of street furniture and development of green areas, creation of facilities, planning of events, street
performances … Critical areas to be strengthened have been identified, subject to analysis and open to participatory design. It includes panel and models presentation, public display of results, project engineering, testing and manufacturing of components, trial, assembly and installation. The DIY Laboratory will develop detailed design, small machining and assembly, focusing on environmental sustainability and recycling. Mapping promotes the construction of a MAP OF COMMUNITY of neighborhood Barriera di Milano, open to all citizens, through digital cartography, to help rebuild the meaning and memory of the urban community. By means of computer, tablet, smartphone, each citizen can upload and share localized information and signs on the digital geographic map. The construction phase of the MAP OF COMMUNITY will last for about two months, the online publication will be the occasion to launch promotional activities, local branding, communication of what is and what could be Barriera di Milano . The project includes training activities with international students in art, design and architecture, participants in the higher education courses of the Accademia Albertina of Fine Arts and the Polytechnic of Turin, along with residents, stakeholders and experts.
The project is coordinated by Monica Saccomandi and Fabrizio Sibona (Albertina Academy of Fine Arts), Rossella Maspoli (Polytechnic of Turin – project manager), and Erika Mattarella, Nella Caffaratti (cultural mediators – Association Bagni di via Agliè).

Thursday, february the 13th, 10.30 a.m. Accademia Albertina, Torino.
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