GRÁVALOSDIMONTE, Arquitectura Zaragoza



estonoesunsolar in the book Alterarchitectures Manifesto

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estonoesunsolar is the gravalosdimonte‘ s contribute for “Alterarchitectures Manifesto”  book, a production of the partners of the Underconstructions project.

Alterarchitectures is the first publication of Underconstructions, European observatory of innovative architectural and urban processes. The title is a reflection of other ways to construct the city. Indeed, the innovative experiments constitute isolated occurrences, but seen together, their sum testifies of the existence of a veritable movement on the European scale and beyond.

Editors: Thierry Paquot, Yvette Masson-Zanussi, and Marco Stathopoulos

Published by Eterotopia (Italy), Infolio (France)

Contributions: Thierry Paquot, Alberto Magnaghi,  Lucien Kroll, Winy Maas, Patrick Bouchain, Bart Lootsma, Dus, Supertanker, Christian Reder, wonderland, Collectif etc, estonoesunsolar…

Partners: EFAP European Forum for Architectural Policies, wonderland platform for european architecture, Cité de l’ Architecture et du patrimoine

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