GRÁVALOSDIMONTE, Arquitectura Zaragoza



workshop underconstructions: cité de l’architecture+efap+wonderland_wien

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gravalosdimonte architects participated with estonoesunsolar at the 4º workshop underconstructions: observatory of innovative practices in Europe that reflects changes happening in the field of architecture and urban planning.
Who to talk with the city authority
Participants: Underconstructions organizers
Marie-Hélène Contal: Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine – Directeur adjoint, partner project manager of underconstructions;
Yvette Masson-Zanussi: EFAP – manager, project manager of underconstructions;
Marco Stathopoulos: EFAP – project manager assistant of underconstructions;
Hannes Schreckensberger: wonderland, platform for european architecture – project partner manager of underconstructions;
Célia Picard: wonderland, platform for european architecture – project partner manager of underconstructions;
Lorenz Potocnik: Umbauwerkstatt, Linz, AT
Patrizia Di Monte: 2009-2010, director of estonoesunsolar, Zaragoza, ES
Jens Brandt: Supertanker, Copenhagen, DK
Collectif Etc: architects, FR

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